I Have My Account – Now What?
Now that you’ve been approved for a Google Account, by building a site that Google would easily approve, and you’ve selected a high paying topic for your site, you are ready to get to work and build your first profitable AdSense website.
If you have not already done so (you should have), you really need to go and read the program policies that Google has set, as well as their Webmaster Guidelines. This will help you to build a better site, and to avoid issues that can and will get you banned from the Google AdSense program.( how do make money)
Your site should be full of content that uses your keywords. A keyword density of between 2 and 3% is great. This means that your keyword should be used approximately 2 to 3% of the time in your content. So, for a page that has 600 words of content, the keyword would appear twelve to eighteen times (600 x 2% or 600 x 3%).
There is more to it than targeting keywords. The content must be accurate. It must be readable and understandable by visitors – and most importantly:( how do make money)
“It Must Be Unique!”
You should use all of the search engine optimization techniques as possible when building your site. Not only will this attract the right ads, but it will also help your site to move up in the search results, for the purpose of driving traffic to your site.( how do make money)
You want your site to look nice, to be informative, and to load fast. You want it to attract the right ads. You do not want anything on your pages that will irritate your visitor, such as blinking, blinding text or music.
Make it a site that you would want to visit, and then ask an uninterested party, such as your neighbor (not your best friend or your mother) if it is a site that they would want to visit, if they were interested in the topic.
Now, you are ready to place the AdSense javascript code on your pages. Log in to your AdSense account. Click on the AdSense Set up tab at the top of the page.
First, click on Channels, and set up a Channel for the topic of your site. This will come in handy later on, when you are analyzing which of your sites is pulling in the most money.( how do make money)
Next, click on palettes, and create a color palette that matches your site well. You want your Google ads to blend into your site. If they stand out like a sore thumb,
they will get fewer clicks, simply because people really do try to avoid advertisements.( how do make money)
You want the ads to look like content on your site. Once you’ve set up a palette that matches your site, click on products. Choose AdSense for content to create your ad units.( how do make money)
Here, you can choose ads that are enclosed in a box, or ads that are more free standing, but still just text links. It is a good idea to choose the link unit to add above or below your navigational links, and you can design your site navigation links to look just like the Google link units.
You can use the ad units (boxed in) on other sections of your site. Those who have been in the Google AdSense game for a while have done years worth of testing on the topic of ad unit placement.( how do make money)
Ideally, you will use ‘text ads only’ as your setting. Note that Google has limits as to how many Google ads can be used on your page, please check with the TOS.
As you can see, it is fairly easy enough setting things up, but it takes a lot more thought and effort than that. What you must remember is that you often only make a few cents when someone clicks an ad. Each click can pay as little as one cent, but I have seen amounts up to three dollars.( how do make money)
The most successful AdSense publishers are targeting keywords that pay the most amount of money. These AdSense publishers use a variety of tools to find out what the high paying keywords are. These tools include keyword research tools, such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.
http://www.keywordelite.com( how do make money)
They spend a great deal of time researching those keywords, finding out what the top keywords are, in terms of number of people searching for them, and what word combinations are being used. These are words and phrases that they will target in the content of their sites.( how do make money)
Next, they determine which of those top keywords topics pay the most money per click. Those who have been in the AdSense “game” for a while are not going to build sites that target keywords that only pay one cent per click!
These AdSense publishers use the tools that Google provides to help determine which keywords are paying the most to the publishers. Unfortunately, you won’t find these tools inside your Google AdSense account. No, You need a Google AdWords account for this - http://adwords.google.com/( how do make money)
You see, Google has two programs that work together: Google AdSense and Google AdWords. Business owners use Google AdWords to promote their products and websites and it’s those ads that are shown on your Google AdSense ads. The business owner pays Google for each click generated on your website, and Google pays you for the service.
It’s free to create a Google AdWords account. Once created, You just get in there and start using the tools that are there to see how much bids are for the keywords that you’ve discovered using keyword selection tools such as Word Tracker and Keyword Elite.
By doing this, you have access to the same information that the people who are paying for ads has, and this helps you to build more profitable AdSense websites.
This is a nice trick that Google won’t tell you about, and that most AdSense publishers won’t care to share it with you. Having a Google AdWords account is
the key to finding out which keywords are going to pay you the most amount of money per click.( how do make money)
Choosing the right high paying keywords, however, isn’t everything; You need traffic – and lots of it, simply because low traffic sites will NOT make you a full-time living. This is why most publishers have more than one website.
They find the top keywords in terms of number of searches, figure out the keywords from that list that pay the most amount of money per click, and then build sites, lots of sites...( how do make money)
A successful AdSense publisher may have sites on topics such as fishing, weight loss, video games, making money, and many more. When you have multiple sites, you can make a nice living with a mid level amount of traffic to each site.
If you have hundreds of sites, like I have, you can make a living even with low traffic. So, here is some food for thought: The more traffic you have per site, the fewer sites you will need to earn a living from AdSense.( how do make money)
“You need to decide on which path to go: Quantity or Quality?”
Applying For Your Adsense Account
Once you are prepared to apply for a Google AdSense account, it’s as simple as filling out a form. But there are some aspects of that form that can be a bit confusing.( how do make money)
In this section, I’ll go over filling out the form, so that Google will approve you without any problems. You can find the form to apply for an AdSense account at:
http://www.google.com/adsense/g-app-single-1.( how do make money)
The first thing that the form asks for is the URL of your website. Note that even if you have multiple sites, Google only wants to see one. So, list the URL of the site that you have set up for the purpose of being approved for Google AdSense, and enter the URL like this: www.yourdomain.com.( how do make money)
You do not have to include the http:// part of the URL, and don’t include any subpages of the URL, such as www.mydomain.com/mypage.html. Google wants to see the main page of the site, at the top level domain.( how do make money)
Next, Google wants to know what language your site is published in. If your site supports multiple languages, this is fine, but this isn’t what Google wants to know. They want to know the primary language of the site – this would be the language that you used to write the pages, such as English.( how do make money)
The next question on the form throws a lot of people into a tail spin. It asks if you are setting up an individual or business account.
Here is a way to simplify this question: If you do not have an office or business that currently has 20 or more employees, you are an individual. It doesn’t matter what your future plans are. Next, select the country that you live in.
The following part of the form asks for your information: name, street address, city, and state. It is important to note that when Google pays you, the check will be made out to the name that you put here, and sent to the address that you put here. So, use the information that you need to use here in order to receive the check, and to cash or deposit the check.( how do make money)
After your name and address, Google wants your telephone number. They probably won’t call you, but sometimes they will, if there is a problem or a question. Give a good phone number where you can be reached. You do not have to provide a fax number.
Here, you can also choose to receive Google’s newsletter – or not. Choosing not to receive the newsletter will not have any affect on whether or not you are approved.
Following this, there are five check boxes, all of which must be checked, before you can submit the application.( how do make money)
By checking these boxes, you are saying that you will not click on the ads on your pages, that you will not encourage visitors to click on your ads (incentives), that you are able to receive checks that are made out to you, that you will not place ads on pornographic sites, and that you have read the AdSense program policies.
Finally, you submit the form, and prepare to wait. Your site will be checked by a live human being. Approval is manual, not automated, and it can take up to three business days (72 hours) before you hear from a Google representative. That contact usually comes via email.( how do make money)
- Wait, what is this “Product selection”?
This appears on some application forms and seems confusing to many -- choose both: AdSense for Content and AdSense for Search. This means that you can run both, but don’t have to run both.
You can have Google ads appear on your pages (AdSense for Content) and you can also include a Google search box on your pages (AdSense for Search), and when people use those search boxes, and click on sponsored ads in the results, you get paid for those clicks as well.( how do make money)
In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion and information concerning Google’s AdSense program at
http://www.google.com/adsense.( how do make money)
There have been truckloads of eBooks and articles written on the topic.
But in the grand scheme of things, it is a profitable program that still gets overlooked by many who are just coming online to start a business, as well as those who have been around a while.
First, let’s take a look at exactly what AdSense is and what it is all about:
“AdSense is a program for webmasters which was implemented by the famous Google some years ago.”( how do make money)
Essentially, a webmaster (a person who owns and builds one or more websites) signs up for an account with the program, and once they are approved, they paste the Google AdSense javascript code into the pages on their websites.
Google then starts serving ads to those websites, based on the keywords that it finds in the text of the page. When a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the webmaster makes money – usually a few cents per click.( how do make money)
However, when a site has a great deal of traffic, and when the webmaster knows which keywords are the most profitable to target, there is a lot of money to be made.
It sounds simple enough, but it’s really NOT that easy. First of all, you have to be approved – and Google is picky these days. The good news is that once one site is approved, and you have a Google AdSense account, there is no need to seek Google’s approval to use AdSense on any other site that you own, as long as that site is within the Google’s terms of service guidelines.( how do make money)
Once you are approved, you have to know which keywords to target – the ones that will make you the most amount of money per click, and how to write (or have written for you) content that makes those high paying ads appear on your site.
Finally, you have to learn how to drive traffic to your AdSense site. Without the traffic, you won’t get any clicks, and without clicks, you won’t be making any money.
Getting real, targeted visitors that are eager to click on your ads is by far the hardest part of being an AdSense publisher. There really aren’t any secrets here – it is just a matter of learning to use some basic, proven site promotion techniques.
You may have heard gurus say that Google AdSense is dead?. If you haven’t heard this, there will come a point when you will. But that really isn’t true. In fact, there are thousands of people just like you that are making very nice livings from the Google AdSense program.( how do make money)
Usually when a guru says that you should not use Google AdSense, they generally mean that you are better off not using it, especially when you are promoting your own product, and your website is tightly focused on that product.
However, you can use Google AdSense for a site that was built specifically for the AdSense program (Adsense Ready Sites), or on sites that you are using to promote affiliate products as well.( how do make money)
You should also note that many successful AdSense publishers have more than one website. They typically have numerous websites, on a variety of topics on which they display the Google ads. However, there are also those that simply have one high traffic website, from which they make money from the AdSense program.
Regardless of this, all AdSense publishers start with just one website, and grow from there, and this is what you should be doing as well. You have to get the basics down, and learn the secrets that surround the profitability of Google AdSense before you can be successful with more sites.
( how do make money)
Preparing For Your Adsense Account
The hardest part of getting started with AdSense is getting Google to approve your website. In fact, for many, it is easier to get a $100,000 bank loan than it is to get a free Google AdSense account. The key is to be prepared before you apply.
You can’t start using Google AdSense on your pages until you are approved. This means that you must prepare to open an account, before you apply for an account.
The very first thing you must do is read Google’s Terms of Service (TOS). If your site doesn’t fall within the guidelines that Google sets out, it will be denied. Furthermore, even after you are approved and you start running Google ads on your site, if you break the TOS, you will be removed, and possibly banned, from the program.
Specifically, what you are looking for is the Program policies, which can be found at http://www.google.com/adsense. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on then Program Policies link. The first thing to note is that Google will not accept any site that is not complete.
This means that you can’t have any pages that are ‘under construction.’ All of the pages must be complete, and all of the links must be working. Make sure that all of your graphics are also appearing correctly, because even a broken graphic can prevent you from getting approved.( how do make money)
Google also has a set of Quality Guidelines that must be adhered to before you can be approved. These guidelines, along with the program policies, will tell you exactly what you can and can’t have on your site, and what is expected of you and your site in terms of meeting the qualifications for a Google AdSense account. You can find these guidelines at http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html.
One mistake that so many would-be AdSense publishers make is not reading the TOS, the Program Policies, and the Webmaster Guidelines. Google lays these out in very specific terms, so there is no doubt as to the rules. They are also very serious about these rules.
Often, people skip this step in the preparation – reading the rules – work hard to build a site, only to be disapproved by Google, or to be approved, but then banned from the program later.( how do make money)
Don’t let this happen to you. These are rules that you must not only follow in order to get approved, but must continue to follow in order to stay in the
program. You don’t want to spend days and weeks putting together sites, only to get kicked out of the program later. Google is very serious about this.
Once you’ve read the rules, and made sure you understand them, the next part of the preparation is doing research to find out which topics will be the most profitable for you, and getting the site built. We will cover these topics in more depth in a later article, but for now, you just need one website that will be approved by Google.( how do make money)
Remember that you only have to get approved for one site in order to get in the program, and from there on, you can publish as many sites as you want, on a wide variety of topics, and use Google AdSense on them, from the one account that you have been approved for.( how do make money)
While many just put up a website that will meet Google’s standards, without doing any research in order to get approved, you could also take a little longer, and go ahead and build a site that you can use to target the high paying keywords.
This is totally up to you, and it really doesn’t matter much which direction you go, as long as the site will get you approved for a Google AdSense account.
I usually recommend creating and building a blogger.com blog, and apply using that one. You may not know this, but Google owns Blogger...( how do make money)
How To Build Your First Adsense Website
The best way to learn something is to start doing it. This is a guide to get your up and standing on your own feet and making money with Adsense in a relatively short space of time. There's a lot to take in here but don't be put off by the foreign sounding nature of it all. If you persist everything will come together.
The fundamental fact is that Adsense is the easiest way to start making money online. With a very basic website and just a few people coming to it you will start to earn money. As you develop the site and bring more traffic to it an average Adsense monetized website will make between $500 and $1,000 each and every month with little work needed.
Desipte this, most webmasters struggle and the reason is that they are trying to make a massive amount of money very fast and are consequently not breaking each aspect of the process down to its basics. The reality is that from a standing start it is not possible to make $XX,XXX from Adsense in a very short space of time..
People who make a lot of money with Adsense have done one of two things:
1. They have Integrated Adsense into a website that already has high traffic (About.com is the extreme example of this), or
2. They have built a large network of niche websites each of which generates $500 - $1,000 a month. If you build 50 (which over the space of a year or two is completely feasible if you take my above example), you can earn up to about $50,000 a month which equals out to $600,000 a year - pretty good for a network of what are fundamentally very basic websites. This is Adsense Empire Building territory.
Creating one very high traffic website or a large number of small niche websites requires a whole host of skills which you will not yet have. You only get these skills by learning, implementing what you've learnt and reflecting on what your implementation has told you.
As a beginner you have to start at the beginning - that's the rule of any game. As you learn and do more, building effective websites that make more and more money will get easier and easier. Don't be one of the many that are making marketeers rich by buying into their rhetoric of making big money quickly and without any effort. These people end up stopping before they even started.
So How Do You Get Started?
To make money with Adsense you need two things:
1. A website, and
2. Traffic to that website
The Adsense ads are integrated into number one (your website) and are clicked on by number two (your visitors). Without these two things you cannot make money from Adsense. Below is a simple step by step guide of what you need to do and when.
1. You Need to Decide Which Topic You Are Going To Build Your Website On
Adsense works best on websites that provide information. Understanding Adsense provides information about how to make money with Adsense - if I placed Adsense on this website then the advertisements would relate to adsense in some way. The Adsense ads are related to this topic and so are more likely to get clicked on. A golfing website provides information on how to improve different aspects of your golf game, and Adsense ads on that website might advertise instructional DVD's or discount golf equimpent. Another website may review a particular product or type of product, advertising would then be matched to suit each product reviewed.
The easiest way to start is to build a website around a topic that you know something about. Don't look at this as the website that is going to make you rich but as a testing ground to learn all the skills you need to know to build succesful websites in different markets that will make you rich. Money comes after learning and doing. If you chase the money you'll learn and do nothing.
2. You Need to Be Able to Build This Website
First things first - don't buy an Adsense Ready or Turnkey website. If you don't know, these are content websites that have been built and optimized for Adsense. The seller packages together a few hundred articles around a particular market, eg health and then sells this package to a thousand people like you and me. Adsense Ready Websites will give you the first thing you need to make money with Adsense - a website, but you'll find it hard to get the second - traffic - as the search engines penailze duplicate content and without traffic Adsense is useless.
The other problem is that they isolate you from the most important aspect of making money online - and that is building a website.
To us as internet marketeers, all a website is is a vehicle for converting traffic into money. A good website is one that does this effectively. If you don't learn how to build one yourself you are trying to row a boat without an oar.
The good thing is is that you no longer need to learn html code to build your website. Programmers have come to our rescue and over the past few years better and better website creation tools have become available.
The one I recommend is XSitePro. It's made the process of building a website so easy and is streaks ahead of all the other tools on the market. Within two to three hours you will have worked your way through the tutorial and will be in the position to build your own successful money vehicle. It really is the internet marketeers dream come true and on my Golf website I mention above I will have paid the cost back within 7 days. It's literally built to facilitate what this website is talking about and even has an insertion facility for Adsense. It'is one of the few products I sincerely recommend. You can pick up yours here
3. You Need to Buy a Domain Name and Get a Hosting Package For Your Website
Now you've decided the theme of your website and have bought your website creation tool you need to buy a domain name and a hosting package. I use and recommend Bluehost. They've got a $6.95/month special deal on at the moment where if you set up a hosting account you get a free domain name. This will save you the cost and hassle of going to a domain registrar to register a name. They also allow you to host unlimited websites with them (although you have to pay for additional domain names) - as your business grows your hosting costs stay low.
4. You Need to Create the Content For Your Website
There are two ways of getting content - by writing it yourself or by obtaining it from a third party. The options open to you will really depend on the theme of your website. For a first website I generally recommend that you write it yourself. You can learn how to manipulate other people's information later once you've grasped the basics of website building, Adsense and traffic.
5. You Need to Join Adsense
This is simple - once you have built your website follow this link, click on the "Click Here to Apply" button, fill in your details and wait for your approval email.
6. You Need to Bring Yourself Up to Speed on Adsense
For the complete newbie to Adsense, UnderstandingAdsense.com has it's limitations as it doesn't go into the very basic stuff of how to get the code, how you change the variables etc. The site focuses on what actually makes money with Adsense and this is down to building the right websites, integrating Adsense correctly and bringing traffic to that website. Therefore your'e going to need another source so that you can get to grips with the basics. There are two that I would recommend:
(i) The Google Adsense Help Center - From the people who made the program this is a good tour de force of Adsense and how to use it. They also have some good "heat maps" which give you ad placement ideas depending on the type of website you are building.
(ii) Adsense Forums - Digital Point and Webmaster World both have good Adsense forums if you're the type that can happily sit and sift through thousands of posts.
7. You Need to Successfully Integrate Adsense into your website
Now comes the fun part. You've got your content, you've built your website, you understand the fundamentals of Adsense. Integration and optimization now become crtical and these articles explore how best to do that:
An Adsense Ad is More Than an Ad
Adsense Psychology
The Perfect Page
Ad Format
Ad Placement
Ad Colors
Number of Units
Ad Relevancy
8. You Need to Do What Is Necessary to Get Traffic to Your Website
The more relevant people who come to your website the more Adsense clicks your website will generate. The other half of succeeding with Adsense is getting more and more relevant traffic. These articles explore what you need to do and how you do it.
More Traffic = More $
List of Directories
Benefits of AdSense
Benefits of AdSense
One of the most impressive advantages of AdSense is that Google has a huge database of advertisers that are looking for space. Because of this huge base of advertisers, AdSense can provide you with a steady stream of advertisers that can match just about any type of content that you can think of. Advertisers are segregated based on product, service, geography, and company size. This helps to both provide local advertisement opportunities to companies, as well as provide your site with relevant content.
Another no cost benefit that AdSense offers is the use of their Google search box technology. You can add this feature to your website, which will encourage visitors to stay at your website longer, and it will encourage them to return to your site. You can even earn money from this technology. When a visitor enters a keyword or keywords the results appear in a box at the top of your web page. You earn money for every ad that they click on that was generated from their search.
In addition to these benefits you also are able to control what kinds of ads that you want displayed on your website. You can filter out ads from specific company genres, and you can also filter out companies that compete with what you are trying to sell. You can also design the look of the ads that are displayed on your website. You can choose their color pallet, layout, and size of the ads that are displayed, and where they appear on your website. Finally, you can customize your AdSense to run on only certain pages of your website. All of these options allow you to stay in control of how AdSense is displayed to your customers.
Costs Associated With AdSense
There isn’t a fee to participate in AdSense, however, you do need to invest time in setting up AdSense features and filters. You will also have to pay for the design, hosting, and domain name of your website. These set up costs should be minimal depending on the complexity of your web site. There are free website hosting sites available, and often home page hosting is provided as a free service with your ISP. To determine if your ISP offers free hosting and web page design assistance you should contact your ISP representative.
Making the Most of This Program
While most ads that promote this type of affiliate program boast of fast and easy money, if you truly want to make money with this program there is going to be substantial work involved. In order for you to make money, you will need to attract visitors to your website. To do this you will need to provide your viewers with quality content that appeals to a large audience. One popular way to do this is to provide a blog of current events, issues, opinion, commentary, etc. Another way is to produce original content that people will drool over. Be creative. There is a lot of competition out there, so learn how to produce content that will top the search engine results, and learn how to use keywords to your advantage in order to attract more viewers.
Benefits of AdSense
One of the most impressive advantages of AdSense is that Google has a huge database of advertisers that are looking for space. Because of this huge base of advertisers, AdSense can provide you with a steady stream of advertisers that can match just about any type of content that you can think of. Advertisers are segregated based on product, service, geography, and company size. This helps to both provide local advertisement opportunities to companies, as well as provide your site with relevant content.
Another no cost benefit that AdSense offers is the use of their Google search box technology. You can add this feature to your website, which will encourage visitors to stay at your website longer, and it will encourage them to return to your site. You can even earn money from this technology. When a visitor enters a keyword or keywords the results appear in a box at the top of your web page. You earn money for every ad that they click on that was generated from their search.
In addition to these benefits you also are able to control what kinds of ads that you want displayed on your website. You can filter out ads from specific company genres, and you can also filter out companies that compete with what you are trying to sell. You can also design the look of the ads that are displayed on your website. You can choose their color pallet, layout, and size of the ads that are displayed, and where they appear on your website. Finally, you can customize your AdSense to run on only certain pages of your website. All of these options allow you to stay in control of how AdSense is displayed to your customers.
Costs Associated With AdSense
There isn’t a fee to participate in AdSense, however, you do need to invest time in setting up AdSense features and filters. You will also have to pay for the design, hosting, and domain name of your website. These set up costs should be minimal depending on the complexity of your web site. There are free website hosting sites available, and often home page hosting is provided as a free service with your ISP. To determine if your ISP offers free hosting and web page design assistance you should contact your ISP representative.
Making the Most of This Program
While most ads that promote this type of affiliate program boast of fast and easy money, if you truly want to make money with this program there is going to be substantial work involved. In order for you to make money, you will need to attract visitors to your website. To do this you will need to provide your viewers with quality content that appeals to a large audience. One popular way to do this is to provide a blog of current events, issues, opinion, commentary, etc. Another way is to produce original content that people will drool over. Be creative. There is a lot of competition out there, so learn how to produce content that will top the search engine results, and learn how to use keywords to your advantage in order to attract more viewers.
What is AdSense?
AdSense is Google's program for placing its AdWords ads on non-Google websites such as this one.
AdSense lets website owners like you and me make money easily and fast without even selling anything. In fact you can often start earning in under 24 hours and when you get paid, it is Google that sends you a check!
You don't have to run a large site or have much traffic to make money and AdSense works for small enthusiast or hobby sites as well as larger operations.
AdSense is easy - but here's how to make real money
Some websites make a lot of money from AdSense (thousands of dollars a month!) whilst others make very little and there are many complex reasons why earnings differ.
I've been using AdSense since it was launched and am hugely enthusiastic about it. I've written a 5-day course about AdSense that explains
* where the money comes from
* what you have to do to start out fast
* how much money you can make
* what clicks are worth
* how to put a rocket-engine behind your earnings
* whether you can cheat
* how to build a site for AdSense fast and easily
* how to get going without spending any money
It's free and there's no obligation whatsoever.
To get the first installment in your in-tray in a few minutes just complete the form below.
I also discuss some unique and risky experiments I've done in my AdSense lab as I unpicked the AdSense system. (I was lucky not to get banned for doing some of these! Don't try them yourself. You can also read what Google had to say to me about them.)
Like a link to a presentation by Google about AdSense that few people know about? Written for advertisers, it explains Google's view on why AdSense is so useful for businesses. You can get it here too.
What is AdSense?
AdSense is an advertising program that lets non-Google websites participate in the AdWords advertising network. To understand AdSense, then, you have to first understand AdWords.
AdWords is a self-service advertising program for placing ads on Google's search result pages and on partner sites. Anyone with a credit card can sign up for AdWords and have their ads shown on Google almost immediately.
Most AdWords ads are shown on Google's search result pages, where they are called "Sponsored Links". So far, only text ads have been shown on the result pages. A text ad consists of a title up to 25 characters long, two description lines (up to 35 characters each), and a domain name or partial URL (up to 35 characters as well). Advertisers pay when a Google searcher clicks the title or URL of an ad and are redirected to the advertiser's landing page. This is known as cost-per-click or CPC for short.
The text ads shown on a result page are selected using an algorithm that factors in price (how much the advertiser is willing to pay per click), clickthrough rate (how well the ad is performing), keyword relevance, and other factors.
AdWords also offers image and video ads, but these are shown on partner sites, not on the search pages. These ads are bought on a cost-per-thousand impressions or CPM basis.
AdSense extends AdWords to third-party (non-Google) partner sites. Sites that meet certain basic criteria can elect to display AdWords ads (text, image or video formats) on their pages. Collectively, AdSense sites are part of the Google content network.
Ad delivery to AdSense sites is completely automated and is done on a per-page basis by analyzing the content of the page using a patented algorithm and selecting the ads that best match the content. This is called contextual targeting and is the primary reason for AdSense's success: relevant advertisements have much higher click-through rates than random image ads. They're also incredibly easy to add to a page — just paste in some JavaScript that Google generates for you.
AdSense publishers (site owners) are paid a percentage of the ad revenues earned by Google from clicks and impressions on that publisher's sites. The exact percentage has not been disclosed. Payments are made on a monthly basis by cheque or by electronic money transfer.
Posted by shezo at 10:35 PM 0 comments
what is adsense?
Google's AdSense is perhaps the fastest and easiest way to generate revenue from a website that contains great content.
If you'd like to see an example of Google AdSense in action, visit this page about what is the best day to purchase a cars. On the left side of the page, you'll see "Ads by Google" followed by one to five text-based ads. The ads themselves are called "Google AdWords," and the program that lets publishers display them on their site is called "Google AdSense."
Here is how Google answers the question -- what is AdSense -- in its FAQ (frequently asked questions):
" Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, un-obtrusive Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.
"The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program."
What is AdSense: A Brief History
Google AdSense is an outrgrowth of the Google Content-Targeted Advertising program that was launched in early March 2003.
This early program let large websites integrate Google AdWords into their websites. Each deal was independently negotiated with Google, and sites with less than 20 million page views couldn't participate.
The Google AdSense program lets much smaller websites play. Even if your site only gets a few hundred page views per month, you can now apply to the AdSense program.
Click here for more AdSense info, as well as to learn more details about the AdSense program. Or click here to see who benefits most from AdSense.